Wall of Success - CCIE


After one and half year of hard studying, sleepless nights, and many personal sacrifices, the well deserved magic number is mine !! Many variables came in play in achieving this deed, but for sure that Brian´s excellent training skills and deep coverage of all the exam topics were fundamental for...

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From the first day I joined the networking field I was dreaming by being a CCIE the biggest prize for every network engineer as in the final interview at NOOR ISP in Egypt the director asked my, how do you see your self in 3 years, I answered I will...

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I started my ccie training in march of 2012 when I signed up for the october 2012 2 week boot camp in seattle. I watched all the sessions and attended the boot camp in October. After returning home I started in on labs and working on the solutions in the...

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While the journey to achieving the CCIE R&S was a very long and difficult road, I can now say that I have finally received my number. I spent many hours reviewing the wonderful ATC, Deep Dive, and learning series videos and then following it up as many labs as I...

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I would like to thank you INE team for high quality training material, structured approach I found there. It gave me a chance to plan my work and work my plan. Vishal Kothari - CCIE Routing & Switching #37831 - Vishal Kothari, CCIE #37831 (CCIE Routing & Switching)

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Hi Experts, I have PASS my CCIE SP Lab @sydney 12 Feb 2013 on first attempt ! I'm using CCIE SPv3 bundle from INE. The materials are awesome. 6 months of my preparation was coloured by Workbook, ATC, and 10 times of XR rack rentals. It certainly boost up my...

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850 Hours + 30 Lbs.+ Cut Bait = CCIE# 38584 I finally got My CCIE!!! The whole beginning of the year had been nuts for me! First my mom got real sick in Jan, and was placed in an induced coma, then once she came out of it, she was...

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I would like to thanks many times INE for their amazing CCIE R&S material. I passed the CCIE R&S lab on the 12th of March 2013 after 14 months of intensive training with INE products. I also went to the 10 days bootcamp in November 2012 which was taught by...

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I went from CCNP to CCIE in a short 6 month time period (it felt like 6 years at the time!). It took every waking minute of those 6 months, and the journey would have been impossible without the countless INE resources provided by the all-access pass. I also attended...

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Dear CCIE Experts/Candidates, The process of becoming a CCIE is a test of your personality against difficulties. You need as much courage, determination, patience and invincibility as you need brains to achieve it. Don't try to take short cuts, just continue your journey of learning and when the time comes...

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