Nuno Marques, CCIE #38295


After one and half year of hard studying, sleepless nights, and many personal sacrifices,
the well deserved magic number is mine !!
Many variables came in play in achieving this deed, but for sure that Brian´s excellent training skills and deep coverage of all the exam topics were fundamental for my success, the explanations and examples of the behind the scenes operations were fundamental, even working daily on the covered technologies, the INE materials definitely were one of the key points for my success in passing the exam and no dough made a better engineer.
Great thank you to all INE team and, of course, to to Brian for helping prove that the only limit is the one you ste yourself.

Thanks again!!!
You all have my deep gratitude.
See you soon for R&S!!


Nuno Marques
CCIE SP #38295

Update Feb. 16, 2015: Just got my second CCIE, after a painful exam. The sacrifices for 1 year of hard work paid off !! Thanks once again to INE team who were fundamental to achieve the level of knowledge that made that possible! Keep up the good work!!
- Nuno Marques, CCIE #38295 (CCIE Service Provider, CCIE Data Center)

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