Steven DiPippo, CCIE #38549
I went from CCNP to CCIE in a short 6 month time period (it felt like 6 years at the time!). It took every waking minute of those 6 months, and the journey would have been impossible without the countless INE resources provided by the all-access pass. I also attended the in-person bootcamp with Brian Dennis, and it was invaluable. Brian polled the class and made decisions about what to cover based on student requests. He is truly an expert in every technology. And his fun personality nicely complements his teaching style! Also a special thanks to Brian McGahan for the Advanced Technologies online videos. I watched them ALL and they really gave me a foundation for success. Thanks INE for helping me become CCIE # 38549!!!
Update! May 12, 2015: INE does it again! I first used INE training materials and the 10-day bootcamp to study and pass the CCIE R&S lab exam. 2 years later, I'm back to say "Thanks!!" again, because yesterday I became a double-CCIE by completing the lab exam for Data Center. I truly don't believe there is any way I could have done it without the INE All-Access Pass and the incredible training materials on the site. Thank you INE team!!