Wall of Success - CCIE


It was long time coming but I was able to finally pass my CCIE SP lab this past friday at San Jose location. I have used INE materials to get my CCIE RS in the past and I've had a great experience. So for that reason, I came back to...

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When I started my journey to becoming a CCIE back in the beginning of 2012 I was exploring the posibilities of what kind of study material I should use. It was not long before I discovered that there are some companies out there that want to deliver great products but...

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I would like to say thankyou to all at INE for your great training materials. The workbooks, Brian McGahan's ATC's and the bootcamp run by Brian Dennis were all fantastic. I researched the different training vendors before I started my CCIE prep and I am very glad I selected INE....

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After checking my name and number with the CCIE verification tool I've finally realized that I passed the R&S lab in Brussels yesterday ;-) INE has been a key success factor in my whole CCIE preparation. I used all R&S products (Workbook 1-4, ATC Videos and Multicast Deep Dive Videos,...

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I've been in the London bootcamp in August 2012 with Brian Dennis and passed CCIE R&S exam in March 2013. The greatest lesson that Brian has taught me in the bootcamp was how to spot a problem *before* it happens instead of just troubleshooting it later. This was the key...

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Guys its been almost 2 years since I passed my CCIE RS on my first try. I have recommended INE to anyone who cares to listen! My workplace has INE subscriptions because of me. I used all the workbooks religiously. I rented racks from you guys the whole time. 18...

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Hi Everyone, This is extreme privilege for giving the chance to people like me to express my gratitude for those Networking Giants. Those giants are Brain Dennis, Brian McGahan, Scot Morris and Peter. All the people working with INE are highly qualified and have in-depth knowledge of Networking and Cisco...

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Hello! I want to thank all the INE team in general and Brian in particular for the excellent video courses. It is a really hard work to prepare people for passing the lab. Without your Workbooks and Advanced Technology Video Class I would not make this step successfully. INE training...

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I have tried other companies versions of off-line learning. But Mark's take on the Deep Dives finally gave me the extra push to understand issues that I could not wrap my head around. I loved Mark's Deep Dive on QOS, the Deep Dive was the best and finally I under...

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I am now a CCIE!!!! Thank you INE; Brian Dennis and Brian McGahan INE and everyone else.... I have finally achieved my CCIE R&S goal!!! I want to thank B. Dennis for his lecture back in January when I came to Seattle for the 14-Day Boot Camp. It was an...

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