Business Plans

Keeping up with the ever-changing tech landscape can be challenging. Find out how our Business platform can transform your team into experts prepared for the future of technology with a free 10 day trial.

Why INE?

INE’s expert instructors train IT teams worldwide through a blended approach to learning that fuses video instruction with practical application.
Train on-demand

Choose the training you want from our library of over 18k on-demand videos. Prepare for Networking and Cloud Computing certifications. Protect your sensitive information with cutting-edge Cyber Security training. Learn Python through INE’s Data Science classes. With INE, all your IT goals are achievable.

Learn hands-on

INE’s quizzes and exercises allow teams to reinforce their knowledge through a practical approach to learning. Our Cyber Security training provides students with access to INE Labs, the world’s leading virtual lab simulations and our Data Science courses provide projects students can utilize through GitHub.

Get certified

INE provides leading certification training. Whether your team is gearing up for Cisco or Microsoft certificates, we have the courses to get you there. Our Cyber Security training also prepares you for industry-leading certifications with our exclusive hands-on labs that reinforce learning through simulation-based testing.

Business Plan Features

Quizzes to Help Retain New Skills Learned In Each Course!
Looking for a way to ensure your team is retaining the knowledge they're acquiring with their training?

Quizzes are now available, designed to test your abilities as you complete each video within each course. With unlimited attempts to achieve a perfect score, these quizzes will ensure you're grasping the most critical parts of every topic.

Know How Your Team is Training with Advanced Team Analytics
Get a detailed history of everything your team is watching as well as individual team member’s history and progress through each course.

See the total amount of time your team has spent training each month to make sure they’re on track and maintaining momentum toward their training and certification goals.

Dedicated Client Success Specialist
Every team has a dedicated Client Success Specialist who provides direct support throughout the length of your plan.

They will assist with onboarding, provide a detailed overview of how to track your team's performance, check in regularly to discuss your team's goals and will do everything possible to ensure your team has the most successful experience with INE.

Free Cyber Security Awareness Training
Prevent your organization’s next cyber attack with INE’s engaging and effective security awareness training.

INE’s cyber security awareness training teaches employees to spot phishing schemes, what to do when they receive malicious emails and how to work more securely.

Learn more

Pricing & Plans

With over 2500+ hands-on labs at your finger tips, INE will provide you with all the training you need to drive digital transformation within weeks of starting.

With plans crafted to fit any need from beginner to enterprise, we've got you covered. Access our beginner courses or our whole library. Get started today.

Try INE Business for free!

We’re inviting you to experience world-class training with a 10-day trial to INE’s on-demand video courses, quizzes, and certification prep.

With courses available in Networking, Cloud Computing, Data Science and Cyber Security, INE prepares IT teams for the future of technology. Start your trial today and allow your team to learn from the best.

INE trains the world’s most respected companies

Hear how we’ve helped others achieve their training goals

Key Training Areas

"Through INE and Cyber Security pipeline I was able to land my job at Redpoint Labs Cyber Security, but I was also able to show them why INE and the cyber security program is something we need to incorporate into our training program."

What our clients are saying

"I like that their courses are taught by professionals with appropriate credential and are working in the field. They give you real world experience versus text book theories. It is close to classroom training and best of all, they also have quizzes/review questions at the end of each training module."
Administrator in Information Technology and Services
"Really enjoy the instructors personality and abilities to present the information. The instructors are able to address the depths of the technologies and products with a clarity that doesn't make you feel like they are talking down to you. The substance of the videos for the technologies have over the years kept up with the ever increasing demands to know more and implement it."
Gerald A
IT Specialist
"Instructors are very responsive in emails to answer questions and take suggestions, not other platforms so far I know of has that. They also offer actual rack equipment you can rent for lab practices, not to mention if you have the top tier subscription, you get live boot camp training. Best of all, the instructors does a very thorough job of deep dives on a particular technology without going into academic lectures."
Welson J
Network/Cloud Administrator
"The contents go from entry level to really deep. This holds true regarding Cisco training and other technologies I'm currently diving into. I'm delving a little further away from pure networking and am very satisfied. DO I need to say I've been an INE customer since "the days" when they were named ?"
Luis C
"INE, one of the most complete training offerings. This site is very easy to navigate, great learning paths and the content always seems to be up to date."
Anthony C
Technical Architect

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