Wall of Success - CCIE


I passed SP two days ago in Brussels on my second attempt. I want to thanks INE and Brian on great materials for SPv3 (WB and ATC videos), rack rentals and bootcamp in London last November. It was pleasure to study with INE. Brian: Thanks for your time and support...

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I got my number in february 04. Thank you Brian and INE. - C. A. Fornazieri, CCIE #38158 (CCIE Routing & Switching)

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Hi everyone! I am so happy to have passed the CCIE VOICE exam in June 2013. It was a long 2 year journey with lot of efforts. I attended an INE 10 day boot-camp in DUBAI in 2012, which was turning point for me towards the exam and on field...

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I am very delighted to say that I have finally cleared CCIE (R&S). I am grateful to Almighty God, my family and friends for their unwavering support over the past one year. I am glad that I came across INE's resources during this journey, which truly helped me to achieve...

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Passed my R&S Lab Exam on the 4th of June 2013 in RTP thanks to the INE team. Over the past four years I have been dedicated to this track using workbooks, videos and INE forum. Thanks again for helping me achieve my goal. - Jose Jimbo, CCIE #39438 (CCIE...

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I would like to say that INE is my super star. Due to lack of funds and resources, I was not able to join any bootcamp but used their workbooks 1-4 to prepare for this difficult exam. It is a fact that what they claim "PASS CCIE ON YOUR FIRST...

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INE Rack Rentals were instrumental in building the skill set to succeed in passing the CCIE Voice Lab. I would be able to book very often up until the last minute and even fractional time slots to be able to test one off theories and procedures with gear I would...

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I would like to thank INE for their amazing products, specially for the Mock Labs, that helped me with my preparation for this important test, and showed me the areas that I needed to improve. I passed my CCIE R&S on my first attempt! Thank you INE!! - Annya Martinez...

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Thank you Brian Dennis and Dave Smith for the April-May 2013 routing and switching boot camp in Bellevue, WA. This was an extremely helpful course that gave me the opportunity to wrap up my lab preparation in a focused effort. You helped me identify some weak areas that I was...

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Dear INE, It is with great pleasure that I'd like to inform you that I have just passed my CCIE routing and switching lab exam. It has been a tough 18 months and this was my third and (so I keep telling myself) final attempt. Through this time the INE...

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