Wall of Success - CCIE


I wrote my first lab attempt in November 2011 and failed. I scheduled the mobile lab in May 2012 where I passed the lab exam under seven hours. I have used a couple of materials during my study including INE workbooks and Cisco books. I had a dedicated rack to...

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I started off my journey going through training with other vendors and while they were OK, the content simply did not cover enough detail behind the technologies, it is one thing learning how to implement the technologies but does that make you an expert? No it doesn't. INE goes into...

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Thanks INE. I used both the Workbooks and Rack Rentals to pass this exam. Both were invaluable in not only passing the exam, but having a proper understanding of each topic. - Matt Travers, CCIE #39866 (CCIE Voice)

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I started out training with another vendor, mostly doing their labs and watching some of their videos, but found myself only learning based on the language of the labs, and having to go back and review documentation which was typically confusing and, on the whole, uninformative. Learning in this manner...

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I want to take a moment to express my gratitude to INE and ?The Brians?. Thank you! Using the top notch training material from INE, I was recently able to pass the CCIE R&S lab on my second attempt. I?ve used just about all of the video materials they have....

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Finally I'm a CCIE, it was a dream, although it took 3 trials to get it but finally it is done. I used the INE rack rentals to get prepared especially to practice on Switches and it was so useful and good hardware. i studied many materials to prepare my...

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I passed my R&S exam in June in Brussels. I did a combination of self-paced training with some colleagues of mine using INE workbooks and INE rack rentals. - Christoph Puhl, CCIE #39613 (CCIE Routing & Switching)

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I passed my routing and switching lab this past week on my second attempt. I owe much of the credit for my success to the team at INE and the excellent resources they provide to make a serious candidate successful. I say serious, because while the materials were great, it...

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I started actively studying for the SP lab in January. I passed on my first attempt at the mobile lab in Orlando in June! The INE SPv3 workbook was an invaluable resource (also my primary resource). Your coverage of the material was spot on. The workbook covered every topic that...

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I finally passed my CCIE voice on second attempt. I was devastated on my first attempt. The thing which kept me going to achieve CCIE voice is your courses, especially CCIE Voice deepdives / WB1 and ATC course. You really taught not just how to pass CCIE but also taught...

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