Wall of Success - CCIE


I am pleased to announce that I have finally achieved my CCIE# 48641 and would like to thank INE, specially Brian, for helping me to accomplish the same. Having spent over eleven years in the Networking domain, I had been fortunate enough to have worked on all networking technologies deeply,...

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I've used INE CCIE Security ATC videos and workbook to pass the exam. Big thank you to Brian, Cristian and the entire INE team for the fantastic training material that they've made available for the preparation of CCIE Security v4! Next I'm shooting for CCIE Data Center and have already...

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Hi All. I am Toogii from Mongolia. I am a working professional in the IP networking field. I used INE materials for my CCIE Service Provider exam. I really enjoy using their materials because they are helpful and easy to understand for non-English speaking people. And the technologies are mentioned...

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It was a long journey of ups and downs, passing the CCIE was no longer something I needed for my job though a personal goal. While I was studying my CCNA my instructor was preparing for my CCIE and told us the effort required. I set myself a long term...

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Initially it was decided with my employer that we would use a different training vendor for my CCIE RS studies. After a year of dealing with lack of content, incomplete workbooks, and multiple boot camp cancellations it was decided to get me signed up with INE. This was two months...

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INE has been a big part of my CCIE story. I was already CCNP & CCIP at the time of my CCIE R&S preparation but I had no idea how to start until I discovered this great training organization. It took me almost 2 years of my studies with INE...

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- Temoor Moin,

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- Temoor Moin,

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When I started to pursue my CCIE number, there were lot of training products on the market. I viewed a couple of videos on the INE YouTube channel and I was caught by Brian's instruction. I have stuck with INE since. I used INE workbooks and setup GNS3 and IOU...

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Hello INE Team, I started my network path with CCNA in 2009 when I was a student. After learning CCNA, I knew that I loved networking so much, so I continued my path with CCNP and finished it in 2012. At that time I wanted to go for CCIE, but...

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