Wall of Success - CCIE


INE is a very powerful tool to prepare for any certification. As Brian says, CCIE is by product, I kept that as my mantra. Very helpful videos, vast topic coverage and great strategies are taught. Perfect flawless labs and solutions. Thank you - Vijay Navghare, CCIE #48747 (CCIE Routing &...

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I started my CISCO certification journey with CCNA back in 2005. I still can remember how I was excited about whole idea. At the time we had instructor who became the first CCIE in our country and he is really great guy who gave us lot of insight and great...

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When preparing for the CCIE Routing and Switching track, I knew I had to use a vendor that does a serious deep dive on the technologies due to the insane amount of technical information needed to be assimilated to pass the lab. I had heard of other vendors but INE...

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Thanks you so much to INE for helping me achieve my goal of passing the CCIE R&S LAB. I would recommend INE All Access Pass to anyone as it helped me a lot to understand the basics and advanced of each technology. This along with INE material which helped me...

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After some years working on with Cisco network support, I decided to start my studies on the CCIE SP track. On this path, after reading some Cisco Press books, I still had some difficulty. Then I found the INE video course by Brian McGahan. The class was so amazing. Suddenly...

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I would like to thank you for all your study material which helped me in getting the insight of technology. Cracking an exam is one thing and understanding a technology is other. With INE material, it was easier to learn technology. I could not even think of getting this special...

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I've been using INE for the past 2 years. The workbooks are very organized and well put together. They provide detail solutions and pitfalls. But I would have to say my favorite part about INE is the video library, available with the All Access pass. They are all extremely well...

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My name is Pape O. Fall. I work for Petrobras America Inc as a Network Engineer. My dad said "If you were to measure determination till you reach its limits, that's where yours starts". I'm sharing that story with you not to brag but to pave the storyline as I...

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My CCIE R&S quest started back in 2004. Failing miserably at my first attempt, I became very discouraged and decided to call it quits. After earning other certifications such as the CCIP, and CCNP Voice later on and receiving encouragement from others to go back after the IE, I decided...

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Hi INE Team, I wanted to thank you. I have been training with INE since starting my CCNA studies many years ago and was able to pass my CCIE RS yesterday on my first attempt. I attribute my first time pass almost entirely to your materials. I have been preparing...

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