Wall of Success - CCIE
Joseph Prasad, CCIE #40013
I used INE's workbooks and followed the recommendations mentioned in this blog post: http://blog.ine.com/2010/10/09/how-to-pass-the-ccie-rs-with-ines-4-0-training-program/ - Joseph Prasad, CCIE #40013 (CCIE Routing & Switching)
M. R. Alsarrif, CCIE #40050
First Thank you INE for the great blog and available videos, it helped me a lot to understand the technologies. Also, I used the Narbic book and Cisco materials and I did practice on both GNS3 and real gear for more than 18 months. I did a good amount of...
Steve Miller, CCIE #23977
INE workbooks and lab rentals are a high quality and cost-effective way to prepare for the CCIE practical exam. The bootcamp in Chicago was a very useful way to assess my weaknesses in the final month or two leading into the lab. The videos are great for continual review until...
Wayne Downing, CCIE #40086
Where to begin? Foremost, I want to give special thanks to Brian Dennis. Brian was instrumental in my passing the CCIE R&S Lab. Sitting through the two week R&S bootcamp, followed up with the troubleshooting bootcamp really gave me the extra edge and confidence that my preparations were on the...
M. Zubair Munir, CCIE #40011
I'm so happy to inform you that I have passed my CCIE SP Lab Exam on 29th of July in Dubai First of all Thanks to Almighty ALLAH, Who gave me strength and courage to study and & work hard to achieve this goal in first attempt . And all...
Thomas Andlauer, CCIE #40056
This it it ! I finally got my number after my 3rd attempt ! I failed my 2nd because of 1 point on the TS section so I was quite disgusted...Anyway, it's really thanks to INE that I was able to achieve this journey ! I remember I started my...
Steve Clarkin, CCIE #25821
I actually submitted my success story a few years ago and am already on your wall of success. I passed my lab in November 2009 using predominately INE materials. So I am chancing my arm at being able to get hold of one of your INE Polo Shirts!! Many Thanks...
Dennis Bates, CCIE #11479
Today, I passed the SP Lab in RTP to obtain my 2nd CCIE. Big thanks to Brian Dennis and Brian McGahan. I used INE's workbooks and videos and I attended the SP Bootcamp out in Bellevue, WA with Brian Dennis and then took a refresher in Chicago with Brian McGahan....
Dan Ameme, CCIE #40008
A very big thanks to God first of all for seeing me through this journey... I passed my lab yesterday. I want to also thank you guys at INE for the wonderful training materials you have out there...they were really very, very helpful. INE is truly the best! And big...
Philip Priest, CCIE #39930
Thank you for you excellent products. Used the workbooks and the fantastic ATC videos. They are excellent products from the best instructors in the industry. I am sure I will continue to use these products for the rest of my studies! - Philip Priest, CCIE #39930 (CCIE Routing & Switching)...