Wall of Success - CCIE


I have been using INE's materials as my main study guide. Since my first CCIE track I have realized that its quality is the big difference. I am going to use INE's material for my next track (CCIE DC), so let's do it together again ... Luis Mateus Matos -...

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Still in my hotel room in SJ and found out I passed! I've been studying for about 2 years now, starting with R&S to get solid on the fundamentals and then switching to SP when I felt I was ready. Without question, INE's workbooks prepared me for everything I was...

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I used many of INE's materials like Brian?s ATC video, Lab preparation, Troubleshooting and of course the INE CCIE workbooks. It not only helped me to achieve my CCIE in Routing and Switching, but gain the technical knowledge and skill l that I need to be a successful Network Engineer....

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My journey started in 2009 when I decided to study for my CCIE R&S. I cleared my CCNA and my CCNP back in early 2000 and my dream was to be one of those who hold a CCIE. I have been working with networking since 1998 and I told myself...

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Hello there, It's been a while since I made it in Bangalore lab in Dec 9 2013. It was my 5th attempt, and all my previous attempts were in Sydney. A destiny, indeed. I use the self-study material and virtually listen to all of Mark's video, for both my written...

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Finally after hard work and dedication to lots of preparation hours, I got my magic number! In addition to my work experience using INE material, preparation was a learning experience combining both in-depth knowledge and detailed explanation. Every technological aspect was well documented in detail! - Michail Bersimis, CCIE #42120...

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INE was basically a key success in my CCIE certification journey. As I have been saying,"The way INE Engineers produce their materials, I don't see any other vendor to kick them in the near future". I am a great fan of Brian McGahan and his ATC videos helped me out...

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I used INE workbooks and rack rental to prepare for CCIE R&S. I feel proud to say that I passed my lab exam on very first attempt. For anyone who wants to be the CCIE, I would strongly recommend INE training material. - Jigar Shukla, CCIE #42225 (CCIE Routing &...

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Hello INE, I used several of your products to achieve the CCIE in Routing & Switching. I started with the R&S ATC videos, and completed workbook 1 using rack rentals as well as my own hybrid GNS3 routers/hardware switching environment which mirrored the INE topology. I used rack rentals heavily...

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Recently I have achieved my CCIE R&S certification. This achievement would have not been possible without the excellent training material of INE. Taking the time to watch the ATC videos and to do all the workbooks is almost a certainty of success! Thank you INE! - Ismael Almandos, CCIE #42169...

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