Somphol Boonjing, CCIE #41634


Hello there, It's been a while since I made it in Bangalore lab in Dec 9 2013. It was my 5th attempt, and all my previous attempts were in Sydney. A destiny, indeed. I use the self-study material and virtually listen to all of Mark's video, for both my written exam prep and lab. I bought the product since 2009 or so, but didn't get a chance to take the exam until mid 2011. So, I am thankful for the upgrade of the study material. I also use INE Rack Rental as my sole practice lab. The L3VPN is impressive. The lab setup give me a lot of luxury to update PSTN to the way I like it to be. It is particularly hard in my last mile where I need to find my weakness to nail the exam, so the flexibility there is welcome. I am also grateful for INE's announcement of the free upgrade to CCIE Collaboration material carry a lot of weight and were made just at the right time we need such a push. I am looking forward to either doing CCIE R&S or Data Center next. I have already bought R&S material for quite a long time already, so it might be a good idea to make good use of them. Regards, --Somphol.

- Somphol Boonjing, CCIE #41634 (CCIE Voice)

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