Daniel Lima Pardo Freitas, CCIE #48302


After some years working on with Cisco network support, I decided to start my studies on the CCIE SP track. On this path, after reading some Cisco Press books, I still had some difficulty. Then I found the INE video course by Brian McGahan. The class was so amazing. Suddenly all doubts that I had, were solved. During several weeks watching the videos over and over and using the INE rack rental infrastructure, I was able to try my first attempt. I didn't pass on the first one, but was able to figure out my weak spots. Less than two months after the first try, I took the exam again, and this time passed. I have to say a big thanks to INE. Without you guys, I would never reached it! Thanks!

- Daniel Lima Pardo Freitas, CCIE #48302 (CCIE Service Provider)

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