Wall of Success - CCIE


I have successfully completed CCIE R&S in San Jose on 10th March. This was my first attempt. I feel very good now. It was very good experience. I have 7 years of experience in Network. I am taking care of implementation, design and support. I have completed CCNA, CCNA Sec,...

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I have held my CCNP for over 5 years now. Getting my CCIE had come up every once and a while, and my wife and I had talked about it several times. I had two good college friends who now held the R&S, but I really wasn't so sure I...

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Once again I cleared a CCIE Lab Exam, this time the victim was the Service Provider track. I cleared that by simply using INE products (ATC, Workbooks and Labs). I can say that the exam was pretty simple as compared to the INE Full Scale labs which digs into more...

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My CCIE journey started a while back and after a couple of failed attempts, I realized that I was lacking in several different areas. I decided that it was time to invest a little money for proper training and that's when I first bought my workbooks from INE (at the...

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I used INE's CCIE Service Provider Bundle for my preparation to obtain my five digit magical number. This bundle helped me a lot in my preparation. First of all, video lectures helped me to understand technologies and then workbook helped to verify my knowledge and to polish whatever I learned...

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Without a doubt the INE lab guides were the core of my training regime. The ATC videos along with the CCIE R&S 10-Day Bootcamp was a great way to gain understanding of the topics not just at a high level but with detailed analysis about each subject in depth. If...

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Hi - I just wanted to inform you that I have cleared my CCIE Service Provider lab and the material you provided was really helpful. - Kunal Tyagi, CCIE #40852 (CCIE Service Provider)

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I was fortunate enough to attend the CCIE party at Cisco Live in 2012 at San Diego as a guest. After that experience I decided next time I'd attend the CCIE party with my own CCIE number. So after doing research and repeatedly seeing how INE had helped so many...

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Great news!!! I finally passed the CCIE R&S on my third try on the 15th of October 2013 since studying off and on for over 4 years. I utilized the full set of materials from INE as I bought the end-to-end materials (Vol I ? IV workbooks, numerous CODs, mock...

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Thank you for all your study material which helped me clear my exam in first attempt. - Somnath Gupta, CCIE #42041 (CCIE Voice)

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