Wall of Success - CCIE


Thanks for producing such an amazing product. I was heavily rely on INE workbooks volume 1 and 2, and the OEQ, along with the CCO and other Cisco official materials. After 1500hrs of solid study + labbing, I was able to pass the CCIE security lab in my first attempt...

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CCNA in 2005, CCVP in 2006 but soon family and life began to take hold and thing didn't come so easily after that. Like many others, failing the first time, in '07, was an eye opening experience and I learned first hand just how high the bar was set. Later...

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I used INE R&S workbook II to prepare my CCIE lab back in 2008, and passed on the first attempt!! Thank you very much guys for all the great work. Your workbook is the best on the market, way better than all other competitors. Now I am studying for the...

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I used INE R&S workbook II to prepare my CCIE lab back in 2008, and passed on the first attempt!! Thank you very much guys for all the great work. Your workbook is the best on the market, way better than all other competitors. Now I am studying for the...

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I started preparing for the Voice from beginning of 2011, and 8 months later in Nov 2011,I achieved my Voice CCIE in my second try!I used many meterials from INE, including workbooks, video trainning course, Lab practice. what knowledge I learned from INE studying is great. I would like to...

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I started preparing for the Voice from beginning of 2011, and 8 months later in Nov 2011,I achieved my Voice CCIE in my second try!I used many meterials from INE, including workbooks, video trainning course, Lab practice. what knowledge I learned from INE studying is great. I would like to...

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Used your video on demand. Why ? Becuase its the best.. I first bought a video on demand from another provider but it way old and outdated. So INE VOD is great.. - Thomas Raabo, CCIE #33466 (CCIE Routing & Switching)

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Used your video on demand. Why ? Becuase its the best.. I first bought a video on demand from another provider but it way old and outdated. So INE VOD is great.. - Thomas Raabo, CCIE #33466 (CCIE Routing & Switching)

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I passed the CCIE R&S lab on the 12th October 2010 in Sydney, this was my 2nd attempt, my 1st attempt was very close to passing so I took my second attempt just 5 weeks after my first. Failing the first exam was a very disheartening experience, but I was...

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hi .. i want to share my story of how i passed my CCIE routing and switching lab in my first attempt. it was the most difficult 6 months of lab practice ,practicing the lab 10 hours a day without missing a single day for 6 months. INE volume 1...

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