Wall of Success - CCIE
Mohammad Abazeed, CCIE #35081
I would like to thank INE for everything they offer ... the lab access is amaizing, I recommend it for everyone thinking of studying a certificate and needs great lab equipment ... Thanks a again ... :) - Mohammad Abazeed, CCIE #35081 (CCIE Security)
Peng Zheng, CCIE #13584
I passed my CCIE Voice by using INE's training materials. I cann't pass any of my CCIEs (CCIE R&S, Security, Voice) without INE. I am working on CCIE SP Lab now and waiting for INE's great quality materials. I am sure I will pass it because of the quality of...
Peng Zheng, CCIE #13584
I passed my CCIE Voice by using INE's training materials. I cann't pass any of my CCIEs (CCIE R&S, Security, Voice) without INE. I am working on CCIE SP Lab now and waiting for INE's great quality materials. I am sure I will pass it because of the quality of...
Sergey Khalavchuk, CCIE #34998
I want to thank INE again for their outstanding CCIE preparation materials. Two years after passing R&S based on their materials, I decided to prepare for the CCIE Service Provider lab. I used the INE SP Workbook, and ATC videos to prepare for written and lab exam, and I passed...
Sergey Khalavchuk, CCIE #34998
I want to thank INE again for their outstanding CCIE preparation materials. Two years after passing R&S based on their materials, I decided to prepare for the CCIE Service Provider lab. I used the INE SP Workbook, and ATC videos to prepare for written and lab exam, and I passed...
Sergey Fer, CCIE #35024
Dear INE gurus, thanks a lot for your great-great-great learning materials. Especially for your Mocks... It's hard to beleive but I'm CCIE now!!! WOW!!! Was it possible without INE? May be, but I can't imagine. Thanks. Sergey Fer. - Sergey Fer, CCIE #35024 (CCIE Routing & Switching)
Harsh Somaiya, CCIE #27790
Well after clearing my first CCIE certification RnS, I started working for a service provider company & was enjoying to learn new technologies. There after I started to think towards working for my CCIE service provider track and undoubtedly INE materials are the most valuable assets for CCIE preparation. I...
Piotr Wojciechowski, CCIE #25543
I've been preparing for lab exam for about a 6-9 months after passing written exam, last 3 months was hard study (thanks to my company last months I could study during work hours). It was Routing&Switching; track. I've been using two INE products - workbooks and mocklabs. Volume I of...
Piotr Wojciechowski, CCIE #25543
I've been preparing for lab exam for about a 6-9 months after passing written exam, last 3 months was hard study (thanks to my company last months I could study during work hours). It was Routing&Switching; track. I've been using two INE products - workbooks and mocklabs. Volume I of...
Muhammad Shahid Masood, CCIE #34901
I have passed my CCIE Routing and Switching. It was at least not possible for me without the belssings of Allah Almighty and INE material/product. After passing my CCNP exam i was consufed and worried how to start the preparation for my CCIE exam as i was lost in different...