Muhammad Shahid Masood, CCIE #34901


I have passed my CCIE Routing and Switching. It was at least not possible for me without the belssings of Allah Almighty and INE material/product. After passing my CCNP exam i was consufed and worried how to start the preparation for my CCIE exam as i was lost in different self study products but then thanks God i found INE.COM. INE not only helped me in passing my exam but it also helped me in my professional life. I started my ccie preparation in the mid of 2009 having no experience as I was a graduation student and no job experience. B ut after studying INE material i have passed the first interview of my life in 2010 and now passed my CCIE and got my number 34901. Thank you Brian McGahan for providing such a wonderful platform for the students.

- Muhammad Shahid Masood, CCIE #34901 (CCIE Routing & Switching)

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