INE Unveils New Training Platform

Product Announcement -

INE Unveils New Training Platform

If technology has taught us anything, it’s the inevitability of change. Our tech savvy culture isn’t slowing down anytime soon as we continue to develop new methods of efficiency and connection. At INE, we believe in providing opportunities for teams and professionals alike to expand their knowledge and improve upon their skill sets, preparing anyone for the technological challenges of tomorrow. In that same spirit, we’re proud to share with you our new INE platform, designed to support your progress and goals.

Users still have access to all of the same, high-quality content they’ve come to expect and rely on. Additionally, they can now utilize guided Learning Paths, crafted and curated to provide certification candidates the specific content they need as they study for exams. From CCNP Collaboration and Security to CCIE Security, students can follow a structured plan to ensure they won’t miss any vital topics as they work towards their certifications.

The new platform also provides advanced filtering options, making the search for specific courses easier. Users can search by vendor, instructor, difficulty ratings, and more to find the content they need. The platform has been reorganized and designed to make the user experience more engaging and easy to access. Diving into complex training programs can be work enough. Our platform makes that process easier.

We’ve also updated our mobile app so you can take advantage of any moment to work on your goals. All of these additional features come together to help you stay organized, make progress, and celebrate your success.

As technology moves forward, so do we. To learn more about the new platform and how to utilize it for your training, watch our webinar. These step by step instructions will guide you through the platform, highlighting new tools, and providing insights on the many options now available to students. 


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