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Phillip Wylie

Phillip has over two decades of information technology and cybersecurity experience. His specialties include penetration testing and application security. When Phillip is not hacking, he is educating others. Phillip is the founder of The Pwn School Project, an education-focused cybersecurity organization. He co-authored the book, “The Pentester Blueprint: Starting a Career as an Ethical Hacker” based on his popular talk presented at numerous industry events. He is an Innocent Lives Foundation Ambassador and a ‘Hacking is NOT a Crime’ Advocate. Phillip’s uncommon journey into the field of cyber security is preceded by his colorful past as a pro wrestler, where he once wrestled a bear.


DAY 1 11 AM - 2 PM EST

  • Penetration Testing and Authorization - (30 mins)
  • Azure AD and Azure Killchain - (30 mins)
  • Phishing and Multifactor Authentication (30 mins)
  • Break (15 mins)
  • Password Spraying and Reuse - (30 mins)
  • On-Prem Azure Exploitation - (30 mins)
  • Q&A (15 mins)

11 AM - 2 PM EST

  • Azure Enumeration with Guest Privileges (30 mins)
  • Azure Enumeration with Authorized User Privileges (30 mins)
  • Break (15 mins)
  • Conditional Access Policies (30 mins)
  • Privilege Escalation with Dynamic Groups (30 mins)
  • Managed Identities and Privilege Escalation (30 mins)
  • Q&A (15 mins)

11 AM - 2 PM EST

  • AppOwner Privilege Escalation (30 mins)
  • Maintaining Persistence and Backdoors (15 mins)
  • Hybrid Access and Conditional Access from Trusted Locations (15 mins)
  • Break (15 mins)
  • Abusing Seamless Single Sign On (SSO) - (30 mins)
  • Golden SAML and Pass the Primary Refresh Token (PRT) (30 mins)
  • Evaluations (30 mins)

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