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Alexis Ahmed

Alexis is an experienced penetration tester with over 7-years of experience in Penetration Testing and Information Security. He is well-versed in attacking and securing enterprise networks, Linux servers, cloud infrastructure and more.

Alexis started off his career in IT as a Linux systems administrator where he was responsible for setting up, maintaining, and securing enterprise servers, this ultimately led him to into a career in cybersecurity as a penetration tester for a cybersecurity firm. In 2017 he founded his own cybersecurity company, HackerSploit, providing offensive security services and cybersecurity training to small and medium sized companies.

In the cybersecurity world, Alexis is better known as HackerSploit. That is his platform as a content creator on YouTube. His channel has a massive audience of over 600,000 subscribers! Alexis, as HackerSploit, delivers free training content related to pentesting, info-sec, Linux, and malware analysis.

Certifications: CEH, Security+, OSCP, ISO27001 Information Security Associate


DAY 1: 1 PM - 4 PM EDT

  • Introduction to the Metasploit framework
  • Metasploit framework architecture and structure
  • Installing & configuring the Metasploit framework
  • Metasploit framework database
  • Metasploit framework console (msfconsole) fundamentals
  • Port scanning with Nmap
  • Importing Nmap scans into Metasploit
  • Break (30 min)
  • Metasploit auxiliary modules
  • Service enumeration with Metasploit
  • Vulnerability scanning with Nessus

DAY 2: 1 PM - 4 PM EDT

  • Overview of Windows exploitation
  • Generating Windows payloads with msfvenom
  • Exploiting Windows systems with the Metasploit framework
  • Meterpreter fundamentals
  • Metasploit post exploitation modules
  • Windows privilege escalation techniques
  • Establishing persistence on Windows systems
  • Break (30 min)
  • Dumping hashes and credentials from memory
  • Clearing Windows Event Logs

DAY 3:
1 PM - 4 PM EDT

  • Overview of Linux exploitation
  • Generating Linux payloads with msfvenom
  • Exploiting Linux systems with the Metasploit framework
  • Linux privilege escalation techniques
  • Establishing persistence on Linux systems
  • Q&A
  • Closing Remarks & Recommendations

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