Wall of Success
John Matijevic, CCIE #13254
I have to say the workbook is incredible as well as the mock lab workshop, I passed on 5/04/2004. I took my time to understand the technology, and I think that made a huge difference, I read through entire solution guide, I read certain sections more than once. I configured...
Ozgur Guler, CCIE #13237
- Ozgur Guler, CCIE #13237 (CCIE Routing & Switching, CCIE Service Provider)
Carlos Marchini, CCIE #13229
- Carlos Marchini, CCIE #13229 (CCIE Routing & Switching, CCIE Security)
Eric Stewart, CCIE #13204
Just wanted to say what an absolutely outstanding experience this whole LONG trek has been and as so many other people have said before me...."There's NOTHING like seeing the word "PASS" Brian(s), thanks for outstanding IEWB, of every other product on the market (and I've got almost all of them,...