Wall of Success
Michael Deangelo, CCIE #15080
I couldn't have done it without Internetwork Expert! - Michael Deangelo, CCIE #15080 (CCIE Routing & Switching)
Rus Healy, CCIE #15025
Thanks in part to the IEWB Vol 1 and Vol 2 labs, I passed my lab exam! I highly recommend these labs to others who are preparing for the R&S lab exam. Other CCIE candiates recommended these labs to me 8 months ago, and I have not been disappointed. Internetwork...
Manu Mohan, CCIE #15020
Thank you for the wonderful workbook you have made. I enjoyed your rack rentals very much. Also your help through groupstudy.com & also through your own forum. Thanks once again. - Manu Mohan, CCIE #15020
Hai Xu, CCIE #15011
- Hai Xu, CCIE #15011 (CCIE Routing & Switching, CCIE Service Provider, CCIE Security)
James Keane, CCIE #15009
Brian McGahan, Brian Dennis, you guys are good ... very good ! Their labs are essential, without them you WILL NOT PASS. I have to say I paid for the classes too, money well spent! - James Keane, CCIE #15009 (CCIE Routing & Switching)