Wall of Success
Nik Kale, CCIE# 46112
Passed my CCIE Data Center recently. A big thank you to all the INE instructors who helped me reach this milestone! As far as training material is concerned, I mostly used INE All Access Pass to go through all videos in the DC library and attended Brian's CCIE Data Center...
Hoang Nguyen Le, CCIE# 50504
Thank you INE and Brian for the excellent R&S v5 ATC classes and the amazing workbook. With a lot of efforts I passed the CCIE exam on the first attempt. - Hoang Nguyen Le, CCIE# 50504 (CCIE Routing & Switching)
Iurii Belchenko, CCIE #50352
Many thanks to David Smith, my instructor during the 10-day Bootcamp in Seattle. The bootcamp was the key to succeed and become a CCIE as well as INE workbooks, videos and rack rentals. - Iurii Belchenko, CCIE #50352 (CCIE Routing & Switching)
Ignacio Francisco Rodriguez Torres, CCIE #49974
I want to share my personal experience to get my number in a few words. The whole story started with a dream, a dream of being successful, of being an important part in my organization. When I decided to start the long way to get this dream I realized that...
Joe Canivel, CCIE #50489
Amazing videos and labs. I did the RS bootcamp and did a couple of re-seats, Orlando CA and RTP. Company is amazing allows re-seat and Dave Smith, Brian Dennis gave us all the basics needed to learn. Then final phase of the study I was doing the CCIE Cram Session...
Rob Loeffler, CCIE #49780
It was certainly a long, tough road, but all the hard work paid off in the end! Between the ATC videos, workbooks, and the in person and online bootcamps, INE was with me every step of the way. I owe a lot to Brian McGahan and Dave Smith - two...
Mitchell Vaughan, CCIE #46214
INE was a huge part of my passing the CCIE Routing and Switching lab exam; on the first try! The knowledge of the instructors, the streamlined rack rental system, and the well designed mock and troubleshooting labs are second to none. INE has now helped me accomplish my CCIE certification...