Wall of Success
Tuan Q Huynh, CCIE #51554
I've always wanted to get my CCIE but I didn't think it was possible until I started some of my CCIE training with Brian M and Brian D with INE All Access Pass. INE not only taught you certification level but also provided real world experience. Both Brians taught me...
Sarbjeet Singh Sohi, CCIE #51410
INE help me a lot to achieve my CCIE goal. ATC course is amazing with real scenarios that help to understand the technology. Thanks to INE. - Sarbjeet Singh Sohi, CCIE #51410 (CCIE Routing & Switching)
Emilio Rabiela Alvarado, CCIE #48648
- Emilio Rabiela Alvarado, CCIE #48648 (CCIE Routing & Switching)
Clement Ngoma, CCIE #52009
INE Advanced Technology Labs are very good. Made it possible to master the concepts. - Clement Ngoma, CCIE #52009 (CCIE Routing & Switching)
Bryan McAdams, CCIE #51634
Huge thanks to Brian McGahan and the INE staff! Passing the Data Center without their workbooks and excellent bootcamp would almost have been impossible! - Bryan McAdams, CCIE #51634 (CCIE Data Center)
Willem Zondagh, CCIE #51279
I have finally attained my CCIE and would like to shout out to INE. I used the AAP videos extensively and also the rack rentals to substitute my training on my own rack. Keep up the GREAT work guys, it is much appreciated! - Willem Zondagh, CCIE #51279 (CCIE Routing...
Aung Khing Saw Oo, CCIE #51658
I am pleased to announce that I have finally achieved my CCIE #51658 and would like to thank INE. I have used INE R&S video training and workbook in my CCIE journey and countless INE lab. My sleepless nights have finally paid-off and I have achieved my number after 18...
Joacim Wciander, CCIE #50975
I passed the CCIE Data Center lab on November 9th 2015. Prior to the exam I took the boot camp class with Brian and found it be really good. We were able to do a multitude of lab practice as well get detailed explanation to how/why it all worked. Being...
Naveed Nawazish, CCIE #43563
Achieving this goal was a dream of mine for the past 2 years. I think anyone can become a CCIE with correct motivation, discipline and hard work. Studying at (Internetwork-path) gave me the training that would be there for the rest of my life. I deeply thank INE for their...