Walid Gharbi, CCIE #28554


I'll start from the end - on 2st of April in Brussels on 7:30 we met wiht other 3 candidates (2 RS and one SP on the lobby). at ~8 o'clock we were gathered and followed to the lab-room, where we were given short instructions. Room with some drinks, coffee, tee and snacks was opposites the lab room, one could go outside so often as needed. Actually it's quite difficult for me to give the exactly amount of time which I used for preparation, because during last 2 years I was preparing for different Cisco certifications: CCNA - CCNP, then CCDA - CCDP. it means that for the written exam it took me about 2 months without big stress. I started my first part of lab practice with a bootcamp in india for 2 month (Jully and August 2010). After i have passed a second bootcamp for 2 weeks in Junary 2011 in morroco.

- Walid Gharbi, CCIE #28554 (CCIE Routing & Switching)

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