Tim Gregory, CCIE #38334


I started prepping for the CCIE SP lab back in May of 2012 after INE released the new workbooks and SP rack rentals. I already had 6 years experience of working for a large service-provider, but I IOS-XR rack time was crucial in my approach, as was the INE service-provider bootcamp I attended in London back in November. All in all it took my around 8-9 months of prep, in which time I used the INE ATC videos, the SP workbooks, rack rentals and some time in GNS3. I walked through the front door of the test centre in Brussels with Slayer playing on my ipod determined not to be intimidated by whatever they gave me! I walked out knowing that it was going to be very close and that i'd given a good account of myself. Come 9pm I got "the email" and after logging in via horrifically slow wifi, the CCIE page appeared with my CCIE number! Thanks to all the guys at INE! :)

- Tim Gregory, CCIE #38334 (CCIE Service Provider)

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