Wall of Success - CCIE


My father passed away a few years ago and was a CCIE for Boeing for many years. His wish was for me to follow in his footsteps at Boeing, but I became a pilot for Southwest Airlines. To honor his memory, I used the iNE materials to study and passed...

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Coming from Vietnam and English is a second language; I was still successful in passing the CCIE using the iNE CCIE Routing and Switching Practice Bundle. I recommend this training materials as a nonnative English speaker can pass the CCIE written and Lab on my first try! Thank you iNE!!...

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Coming from Vietnam and English is a second language; I was still successful in passing the CCIE using the iNE CCIE Routing and Switching Practice Bundle. I recommend this training materials as a nonnative English speaker can pass the CCIE written and Lab on my first try! Thank you iNE!!...

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I passed my SP LAB at Cisco live2012 last week. Without your outstanding workbook, video and online Rack, I couldn't pass it at the first attempt within 3 month. It's my third CCIE certificate, and I used your security workbook exclusively two years ago to clear my security track. Kudos...

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I passed my SP LAB at Cisco live2012 last week. Without your outstanding workbook, video and online Rack, I couldn't pass it at the first attempt within 3 month. It's my third CCIE certificate, and I used your security workbook exclusively two years ago to clear my security track. Kudos...

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Hi INE, I'm happy to tell you, that I've become double CCIE# (RS & Sec). INE has contribute much in my study at both RS & Security Track. Your idea and your new product about "All access pass" is very good, I can access both old and newer videos from...

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Hi INE, I'm happy to tell you, that I've become double CCIE# (RS & Sec). INE has contribute much in my study at both RS & Security Track. Your idea and your new product about "All access pass" is very good, I can access both old and newer videos from...

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I passed the CCIE Security exam on my 2nd attempt. I'm proud to say that I used INE WB I and all the videos to get the foundation and the WB II to get agility to achieve the certification. I spent the last 18 months studying hard every day. I...

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I passed the CCIE Security exam on my 2nd attempt. I'm proud to say that I used INE WB I and all the videos to get the foundation and the WB II to get agility to achieve the certification. I spent the last 18 months studying hard every day. I...

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I passed my CCIE R&S lab Sunday at Cisco Live in San Diego. I used self study materials as well as a live bootcamp in August 2011. I took the CCIE lab immediately after the August 2011 bootcamp and passed configuration but failed on troubleshooting. I used the month leading...

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