Tadesse Feleke, CCIE #24888


Hi Friends, Just want to tell you that 24888 has been claimed as of July 16, 2009 (RTP). No no...she is mine :) Great thanks goes to team INE: Anthony S., Brian M and Brian D., Scott M, Peter L., Mike B., River H. You guys have built a very solid organization (from Sales to support to technical material). This journey has been a long one for me. ON/OFF and some brute force approach initially. Then I changed approach and and was determined to go from bottom up. Passing was no more the only requirement. Emphasis on understanding "all" the technology behind issues. Can I solve it with other methods kind of asking....Also, my latest job role demanded the expertise (it is tech support if you are curious) OEQ: Do not underestimate them!!! Like Anthony said, take sweet time, back-n-forth, upside-down...etc with them. You have no chance to ask for clarification. Proctor Howard is awesome. A very polite profession person. He tries to ease up your tension (specially during lunch ) with funnies...etc. Now I have to erase some voices from my brain (Scott's "it depends", Brian M "good morning every one" ). Peter L, you are one genius I (hope to get a copy of your future book). Anthony, your advise has been very inspirational and kept me going when I am tired and weak. Took the exam one day before my first child and son B-Day on Friday July 17. Took his picture to lab (showed it to Proctor who told me show him both sides when done). Looked at the pic during the long eight hours. One more thing: read the whole thing cover-to-cover before you start. It was nerve racking, as the clock ticks w/out you clicking on the key board. But per Anthony's advice, if it helps you un-stress, answer one or two "low hugging fruits" as Brian M calls'em. Go luck to all. Heading for SP. Hope my friends at INE will hook me up with a deal :) Best Regards,

- Tadesse Feleke, CCIE #24888 (CCIE Routing & Switching)

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