Steven Clarkin, CCIE #25821


I have good news....I passed the CCIE R&S lab on my first attempt. I took the lab on the 27th November 2009 and was initially told that I had failed. I was pretty sure I was very close to a pass so I knuckled down and started studying for my next attempt confident that I would nail it the next time. To my surprise on the 5th January Cisco e-mailed me to inform me that my lab had been re-marked as part of a 'review' and that they had changed my score to a PASS. I didn't believe it at first but once I'd received my number (#25821) I knew it was true!! I put much of my success down to the solid technical grounding that your R&S Volume 1 workbook and Advanced Technology Class VoD gave me. They are truly excellent products. I also used your Volume 4 Troubleshooting Workbook without which I am sure I would have failed that portion of the lab.

- Steven Clarkin, CCIE #25821 (CCIE Routing & Switching)

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