Rune Brathen, CCIE #29764


Finally I got my number, #29764, on my second attempt. I have spent almost 2 years preparing, and the last 12 months I've been committed to at least 4 hours every day of studying. I just have to say, hard work really pays of, big time!!! To become a CCIE has been like a dream since I first entered the network industry well over 10 years ago. I even put together a plan back in 2003 on how to get there. I could never imagine back then that it would take me 8 years, a wife and three kids, moving between continents twice, and 4 different jobs, to get there. But I've always been a person who really think and believe that you can become whatever you want, if you just want it hard enough and have your goal in mind. So if you ask me how I feel right now,... my answer would be simply: Amazing! Thanks to INE especially, for their commitments as well. Their workbooks are really great, Volume I is absolutely fantastic. I started out with reading the different books from Cisco Press, then I did Vol I, watched some videos, took the written exam, attended a 2 week bootcamp, did Volume I again, did Volume II, and finally 5 Mock labs. Thanks to my employer, TDC AS in Norway, and my collegues. They have supported me all the way, even though I spent many hours during work for studying. Thanks to GP and JA as well, you guys are just great. You know who you are, and soon it is your turn. Knock it down! Thanks again!

- Rune Brathen, CCIE #29764 (CCIE Routing & Switching)

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