Rob van de Laar, CCIE #40337


20 Months ago my journey started. After reading books and passing the written exam I started studying for the lab. After completing workbooks 1, 2 and 3 I was ready for the lab. In June I failed. I was so nervous. After an 8 week training going through all WB2 labs again, again and again I started speeding up my config. It was almost that you can think of the solution and you already had typed your config in notepad. A week ago I was ready. During the lab exam I almost did 90% of the scripting in notepad. I was so fast that I had plenty time of verifying. I passed the lab finally! I?m CCIE #40337!!

- Rob van de Laar, CCIE #40337 (CCIE Routing & Switching)

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