Razvan Iliescu, CCIE #22806


Sector 6 Bucuresti I started studying for the lab exam using your workbooks and testing everything on the company rack that was setup after your instructions. After a few months of practising, I have to admit that i was a little scared by the exam, so my company purchased me some other vendor's workbooks and sent me to a 3 weeks bootcamp. But after all that i realised that the information was redundant and not as complete as your materials, so in the final days of preparation, i used your workbooks solely. I recommend to everybody your workbooks because i think they are complete. Also i am now starting the CCIE Security track using your workbooks and i think they are great, but can use some improovements like more Vol 2 labs :) I feel that the RS track gets all the attention.

- Razvan Iliescu, CCIE #22806 (CCIE Routing & Switching)

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