Praveen Sharma, CCIE #23727


I was waiting for this day to write my PASS mail to groupstudy. I gave my exam on 9th February and guess what I failed. After leaving the examination hall I was sure that I will pass this exam. On the same day around 10, I got the mail from Cisco , in which I failed and I was shocked by looking the result .I got zero in one of the technology but rest of them are fine. I first thought of re-read my exam, but then I went through some blog where everybody was negative about re-read. After that day, I used to go to Cisco site to check my result twice a day and also for checking the date available for my second attempt. Because after that week also, I was not able to decide whether to go for re-read or to go for second attempt In the mean time I finish up my IE vol ver 5 and started reading book on QoS an BGP, just preparing for my second attempt. Later that week when I was going through my result in Cisco, I decided to go for re-read and I clicked on re-read. Yesterday morning when I was going through my mail, I received the congratulation mail from Cisco and here I am part of CCIE family. I like to thank all people in this Group and my wife for her support while I was preparing for this and especially in that last week, when I failed the exam. Here are some of tip from my side IE ver 5 is awesome, do it at least once or twice depending on how much time you have. Do not worry about open-ended question. Make habit of sitting for 8 hour and doing lab and if you don't able to answer anything in your practice lab, try to search in that Cisco URL does not lookup the answers in middle of the lab. Apart from your knowledge, I thing your result also depend upon, your speed and how well you are familiar with Cisco URL. I was able to finish my exam in 5 hour and I spent three hour in verification and testing results. Best of luck.

- Praveen Sharma, CCIE #23727 (CCIE Routing & Switching)

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