Pavel Brezny
#CCNP Service Provider
Last summer INE helped me gain knowledge to pass the Cisco Data Center track entry exam DCICN successfully. After learning about the Cisco certification program complete change, I realized it is the right time to get the certification I was thinking of getting, CCNP Service Provider. After failing the first exam (I was really not prepared enough) I hit the "study hard" mode spending hours and hours learning from INE every day (even when eating :-) ). The result was that I gained knowledge and passed all needed exams to get my CCNP SP certification in less than 2 months!!! With all honesty, I would not be able to achieve this without the truly amazing courses from Keith Bogart on IS-IS and MultiCast (long but going deep - much needed for Cisco exams),that I had zero knowledge of before, and Brian McGahan’s Traffic Engineering and MPLS and others. For this, BIG thanks to INE! Next step: CCNP Data Center.