Paul Casey, CCIE #13037


Someone once said to me, "Whatever comes out those doors, hold your position" And yesterday in Brussels I did. I am, CCIE 13037 How..?? 2 Years, 3 attempts, 1400 hours in the lab. 71 (8) hour labs completed - 11 weeks of my holidays from work over 2 years. Brian McGahan and Brian Dennis's course and 7000 euro's later. ...complete this book and you should be ready to take exam, I actually was one of the first customers of the book and probably one of the first to complete it, as I had finished it by the end of January and had taken 4 mock labs in the IE CCIE Workshop class... The workbook is a learning experience as much as it is labs.

- Paul Casey, CCIE #13037 (CCIE Routing & Switching)

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