Paul Bard, CCIE #32500


My journey to the magic number started 18 months ago. I used two other vender products to study for my first attempt in December 2010, which turned out to be a disaster. After taking a few weeks off from my epic failure, I started my studying again, continuing to use the other vender's products. No matter how much time I put in, I wasn't learning the technology. In June I decided to switch to INE. I scheduled the two week bootcamp for about 6 weeks before my lab attempt. I then started using your workbooks and watching the ATC VODS using the All-Access pass. Things finally started clicking. The ATC VODS really explained the technology, Workbooks 1 and 2 allowed me to skip over the easy stuff and really focus on the harder technologies, and Workbook 3 helped me build speed. Attending the bootcamp solidified BGP and a few other technologies that I was struggling with. Going into my second lab attempt on December 6th, 2011 I can't say I was 100% certain I was going to pass but I felt I had a chance. I am happy to say, thanks to INE, and a lot of hours of studying I finally achieved my CCIE R&S. CCIE# 32500 belongs to me! Thanks so much!!!!!! Paul Bard CCIE# 32500

- Paul Bard, CCIE #32500 (CCIE Routing & Switching)

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