Oxana Sannikova, CCIE #35825


Hello, I want to thank INE in general and Petr and Brian in particular for tremendous work they have done to make such a high quality products for CCIE Security track. Without your Workbooks and Advanced Technology Video Class I would not make it. When I decided to go for CCIE, I asked colleagues around me for advice. The first thing I herd from them was - "get INE meterials". I have passed my CCIE Security exam from the third attempt. For all three attempts I have studied preliminary with INE study materials doing Workbook Vol 1 + Videos, then Vol 2 labs with difficulty level 6-8. The depth of theory explanation and solutions helped me a lot during my first steps. Before the third attempt I have also looked at materials of other vendors but INE workbooks are by far more well organized, diverse in tasks and deep in explanations. Now I too recommend to all my colleagues who start their journey towards CCIE Security to get INE materials :) Kind regards, Oxana Sannikova CCIE Security #35825

- Oxana Sannikova, CCIE #35825 (CCIE Security)

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