Oluwaseyi Bello, CCIE #46897
Preparation: I began my CCIE preparation about 1.5 years ago, while leaving college. I used Brian's ATC videos both for v4 and v5 and they were really helpful. Those videos are the best you can find in the industry for R&S, the way he dissects and explains the technologies are amazing. I also used the workbooks for v5 and I must say they were really good especially the advanced foundation labs where you get to see the complex interactions between the core L3 technologies. The blog too was a very good resource for me, especially Petr's posts. That guy is a pure genius! Exam Day: I was quite nervous in the Tshoot section as I ran into some issue in the middle of the section, I had to use up the extra 30 mins (thanks goodness cisco added this in v5). I was able to fix the issue within that time and I moved on For Diagnostics, you better be a fast reader and be able to process lots of information at a time. For configuration, it went well. If you can finish INE's full scale labs within 5hrs, then you have nothing to fear. INE's full scale labs are tougher than the real exam. Once again, a big thanks to the INE team. You made my journey easier :)