Nicolas MICHEL, CCIE #29410


I bought the CCIE 4.0 bundle. I received the 4 workbooks and many videos that I will discuss here: Workbook 1 is the foundations: It will explain EACH protocol and functionnality of the blueprint deeper than the real lab. I did that workbook maybe 4 or 5 times (not in a row ;) ) to burn the knowledge in my mind. Workbook 2 is all about full scale labs: You will find 20 labs that varies from difiiculty 6 (Kinda easy) to 9 (Kinda hardcore ;) . My real lab was about a difficulty 7.5. There will be tricks in the WB2 that will make you think more and more during the lab. For example if the tasks says to configure only the allowed protocol to pass on this interface be sure to also allow IP protocol 41 (IPv6 tunneling) that you configured earlier in the lab ;) . I did this WB 2 times. Workbook 3 is all about speed: in this workbook you will always do the same kind of thing : Basic L2 , IGP-BGP and redistribution. You need to do these labs as soon as possible ;) I did this WB once. Workbook 4 is all about TSHOOT: I LOVED this one The tickets were tricky enough and you are not allowed to use the show run command. It can be hard to troubleshoot without the show run command isnt it ? I used it several times during my real lab exam but this was just for a matter of speed. The workbook taught me where to look and more than everything WHY something wasnt working as expected ! This WB is brilliant. Advanced Technology Class : Brian McGahan from INE did such a HUGE job on this These videos are just mandatory to understand how the protocols work, especially if you are having a hard time reading the books ;) The class is about 80 hours long and it will cover the whole blueprint. Internetwork Expert 12 Days bootcamp in London: The instructor will explain you how to pass the CCIE lab. His approach on the how to study is just great. I had a great time in London and I met a lot of wonderful guys (Daniel, Jose, Frank, Colin, Gavin, Wayne, Olivier, Joe, Hussain etc. It was an honor to bootcamp with you guys)

- Nicolas MICHEL, CCIE #29410

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