Nicolas Clerc, CCIE #52565


My CCIE journey started two years ago. I started working with the ATC video which was great to build up my knowledge. Then, I took a two weeks bootcamp with Dave Smith in London in 2014. This was the best training I have ever attended (even if I took it too early in my preparation). I learned so much during those two weeks, I highly recommended anyone working on their CCIE lab to go to this bootcamp. I had then to hold down my study until mid-2015. Back to study, I used intensively the V5 Lab Workbook, I think I repeated all of the tasks four or five times depending on the topics. I also used the rack rental to work with the advanced foundation, full scale and mock labs. Those labs are great to improve your skills and to get used to be focus during a full day. Some of them are difficult but that?s what you need to be well prepared. After six months of intensive study, I proud to announce that I have pass the CCIE R&S lab exam, thanks to your study resources.

- Nicolas Clerc, CCIE #52565 (CCIE Routing & Switching)

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