Nic Bhasin, CCIE #28547


I wanted to let everyone know that because of INEs excellent guidance and course material, I was able to achieve my CCIE at RTP on March 31 on my very first attempt. Not only that, I am sure that I was able to knock it out of the park because of their excellent instruction and invaluable material. That speaks volumes about your material, as a mere two and a half years ago, I had just completed my CCNA. I used INEs 2.0/4.0 program, watching each and every riveting minute of the 10 day ATC bootcamp that were recorded with Brian D and Brian M all those years ago, watching your recorded 5 day boocamp and personally attending Brian M's 3 day Multicast technologies bootcamp. It was one of the most fulfilling experiences of this journey, a live class with THE Brian McGahan. I also completed each and every one of the workbooks 1,2,3,4 and the first 4 mock labs. In the end, the exam seemed just like just another day of taking and INE lab. You guys have broken down a fine art to a science. But INE aside, I really wanted to convey what an inspiration Brian M and Petr Lapukhov have been to me personally. The way they rattle off Cisco/IP related facts and technological data in a casual, extremely coherent way makes me want to be a better engineer everyday. Thanks again for your time and you energy that you very obviously put into this great company. Nic Bhasin CCIE# 28547

- Nic Bhasin, CCIE #28547

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