Muhammad Atif, CCIE #28741


I wanted to let you guys know i passed my Security lab on April 26th in RTP, i am now CCIE# 28738, and wanted to take a brief moment to share my success story with you guys since your company was such an integral part of my success. I have been preparing for this test off and on for about 7 years now, i have been in the industry for 15 years. I have been a member of INE for several years but did not start taking my studies seriously until about 3 years ago, i attended a boot camp back in August of 2010 that was taught by Petr Lapukhov in Reno and it was exactly what i needed, Petr developed a 5 day lab challenge that was absolutely amazing, shortly after the bootcamp i sat the lab and missed it by a narrow margin, i was somewhat discouraged but Petr emailed me and chatted with me on IM and encouraged me to continue to move forward and told me to continue working on his 5 day lab and pointed out specific CCIE Security Vol 1 and CCIE Security Vol 2 labs to work on, he also pointed me to several Blog posts on the INE site that were priceless in helping me understand certain technologies that i was struggling with, Petr never once hesitated to answer any questions that I had, which has made me and the company I work for INE customers for life. I sat the lab again on April 26th and felt more than prepared and passed. I cannot thank Petr and INE enough, they were so instrumental in my learning and helping me prepare to pass one of the most rigorous exams in the industry, THANK YOU INE and THANK YOU PETR!!!

- Muhammad Atif, CCIE #28741 (CCIE Routing & Switching)

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