Michael Eaves, CCIE #50036


I began working on the Nexus platform in 2011 with my former company?s new datacenter. Together with Cisco?s AS team we deployed our first Nexus 7ks, 5ks and 2ks. From there I began to read all that I find online. I attended the first Nexus online bootcamps that INE had. I wasn?t at the time thinking that I would pursue the CCIE DC. Last year I sat through the INE Written Course online, did a lot of independent studying (recommended reading list), reading installation and configuration guides online and was able to pass the written. After the written, I came back to INE to review the online bootcamps again. I started with CCNA-DC, CCNP-DC Nexus and UCS, and revisited the CCIE-DC Nexus. Since the time that I started INE has come out with Nexus Primer, Implementing Nexus, Nexus100v, UCS, and Storage. I also learned new things from these courses as well. Other highly valuable resources are: ? Data Center Virtualization Fundamentals: Understanding Techniques and Designs for Highly Efficient Data Centers with Cisco Nexus, UCS, MDS, and Beyond ? NX-OS and Cisco Nexus Switching: Next-Generation Data Center Architectures ? Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS) (Data Center): A Complete Reference Guide to the Cisco Data Center Virtualization Server Architecture ? I/O Consolidation in the Data Center ? End-to-End QoS Network Design: Quality of Service for Rich-Media & Cloud Networks ? Cisco Documentation ? Ciscolive online I would recommend that anyone that is looking for material to guide them to not only pass the lab but also as a resource for daily datacenter management tasks to watch these videos, follow the recommended reading list and try to get as much lab time as possible.

- Michael Eaves, CCIE #50036 (CCIE Data Center)

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