Martin Kirkegaard Hammer, CCIE #21383
I passed the CCIE Collaboration the 26th of September. :-) In short, I had planned two weeks of 8 hours of mock labs to get sped up for the Bootcamp, which I attended the following next 2 weeks and then went for the Collaboration lab Friday the week after the Bootcamp. The 2 weeks of the Bootcamp, I focused on getting whatever theories I had not yet learned and getting the details on what I already knew. And maybe even more focus on getting speed on everything working up until 8-9pm every night. The following week after Bootcamp, I had booked the lab for Friday, so I used Monday-Thursday focusing on getting up to speed on IOS commands, which is/was 100% needed. Went for the lab Friday and passed, yeah!!, but not at all without any struggle. :-) INE/Mark Snow, and more specific, their Bootcamp, was the major differentiator to me passing the lab, and even on the first attempt. To be honest, because of missing 2 weeks of mock lab training that I had planned, I did not believe in passing the lab the first time which was already booked for the following Friday. But an excellent Bootcamp where if you listen 100%, take everything in and work hard and focused, INE/Mark Snow pretty much gives you all the theories and tools to be ready for the lab itself. You can read more on INE's IEOC community, CCIE success stories, where I will post my long story and tell about what I found actually helped me in the lab: