Martijn Smit, CCIE #44460


I attended INE's CCIE Data Center 10-Day Bootcamp and it made all the difference. During this 2 week Bootcamp, you get full access to the lab equipment, which is quite a lot. Two weeks of unfettered access to a full-scale lab is priceless.

Next to the equipment, you also get access to one of INE?s excellent instructors. In my case, it was Mark Snow, basically a Jedi on Data Center, networking, Collaboration and a lot more. The Bootcamp was lined with theoretic refreshers, smart and energetic discussions and a lot of lab time. Basically two weeks of complete focus on refreshing theory and refining your configuration skills.

INE also supplies you with an excellent workbook that has a scope of tasks throughout the entire Data Center blueprint.

- Martijn Smit, CCIE #44460 (CCIE Data Center)

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