Mark Senteza, CCIE #30234


Hey all. I'm happy to say that I passed my CCIE Security lab yesterday (Sept.20.2011) in San Jose, CA. I just want to say a huge thank you to INE for putting together great workbooks. I used the CCIE Security Workbook Volumes I and II, whose complexity at the beginning baffled me, but overall in the long run gave me a much more thorough understanding of the various security technologies. They're not just designed to have you pass the exam, but to really master (keyword "Expert") it and be confident about your Cisco security skill set. I also used the rack rentals since I didnt have a fully-built personal rack. These were great especially as I studied through the Workbook Volume II. Thank you INE.

- Mark Senteza, CCIE #30234 (CCIE Security)

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