Marc Jones, CCIE #40255


I have literally been waiting for this day to come. My chance to write my success story, after reading countless stories on IEOC. I cant remember why, but INE where the only training provider I even entertained the thought of using. And did I make the right decision. From the back to the front the INE workbooks are unbelievable, In my two attempts at the lab I have not once though "I haven't learned or seen this", or "that's not in any workbooks." Everything you need is there, its that simple. By the end of the ATC, all the tech was covered nicely, and the sound lab strategy has been covered. It was then time to leave the nest and hit WB2. The INE full scale labs are tough, I remember my first run through some of them, and It would take me all day to get to the end of IGP, or I would skip some of the more advanced topics. Persistence and the quality of INE materials paid off as close to my first attempt, I was completing most labs in around 4, 4.5 hours. Giving me time to verify my work. All In all, INE prepared me, and after after one failed attempt, the second one stuck. CCIE #40255, Thanks INE.

- Marc Jones, CCIE #40255 (CCIE Routing & Switching)

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