M. Ikram, CCIE #18385


Hi, I have been waiting to send this email, I have passed my R&S lab exam and got my CCIE#. It was a rough ride with ups and downs especially with the new format but at the end it pays to be a CCIE. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Internetwork Expert team for putting together such a wonder workbook with the new lab format. I have used this workbook as my main source for the lab exam preparation. The core labs helped me to solidify my routing and switching skills. The advanced labs were well designed to incorporate most of the features of the Cisco technologies. The solution guide is well prepared with good explanation as to why one particular method was chosen over the other and how to validate your solution. Once again thanks to Brian & Brain for the excellent job that they have done. You guys ROCK!!!

- M. Ikram, CCIE #18385

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