Kgabo Seopa, CCIE #30089


All thanks to INE. I passed my lab yesterday. Have a very long history with the lab. My first attempt was back in November 2008 when it was still v3. After failing twice, took a 2 years break, came back and started afresh, and yesterday I got it. What a relief! It is really worth having, I feel great. Thanks to INE for the great material. With you, I managed to understood every little bit of technology and when troubleshooting in the lab, that gives one the edge. Your strategies and advises really works. Carry on doing the great job guys! My advice for those studying is that, you can make it. Troubleshooting takes time, be careful! Configurations are tricky, and not difficult. Good luck and thanks once more to INE. KG CCIE#30089

- Kgabo Seopa, CCIE #30089 (CCIE Routing & Switching)

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