Juan Carlos, CCIE #19460


I passed last Tuesday in San Jose, it was a long journey with a lot of up and downs in the middle, I took the written in sept 2007, this was my second attempt after I have failed in RTP last may, the mail with the result arrived at 1:30 am on Wednesday I could not believe that it was there so fast, seen the words pass was the most amazing thing I just could not believe it, actually I still cant The materiall that I used was IE workbook , the Brians are awesome, doing the tech labs and full labs really help me out to understanding the technologies. The book that became my best friend for the last months was the CCIE R&S second edition I believe the third edition is out there already. I don't know how many hours spent working on labs I guess I lost the count after the first month I used rack rental times, they are awesome I never had a problem and the support in case something went wrong is great, they answer my questions in no time.

- Juan Carlos, CCIE #19460

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